Cutting, Sticking and Gluing
My name is Nicola and I have worked at Rothley Park Kindergarten for 12 months, since becoming a qualified Level 3 nursery practitioner. I chose to work in childcare as I love children and enjoy seeing their progression.
Activity: Cutting, Sticking and Gluing
Materials: Textured/coloured paper and card, magazines, scissors and PVA glue (you could add food colouring or a small amount of paint to the PVA glue to make it bright and inviting) glue spreaders and glue pot
Benefits of the activity:
The children will benefit from this activity as they are learning to cut with scissors which will develop the children’s hand – eye coordination, fine motor skills. When using the scissors remember to direct the children to hold them correctly i.e. thumb at the top and forefinger at the bottom, this will sit comfortably and the children will gain suitable scissor control. Once all the cutting is completed spread the glue onto the paper and stick the cut out pieces on the glue.
Links to the EYFS:
Physical Development – Moving and Handling 30 -50 months