We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Rothley Park Kindergarten.
Free Early Education Entitlement
FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 week’s per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us in the office if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding.
Nursery Sessions
May we remind you that it is important, for Ofsted ratio requirements that nursery attendance times be adhered to.
Session Times
Full Day 8:00 am – 6:00pm
Morning 8:00 – 1:00pm
Afternoon 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Please avoid arriving before your appointed session time. Also, if you are running late please make sure to inform the office so that necessary arrangements can be made.
Collection of Children from Nursery due to illness
Please be assured that we only contact parents to collect their children when we consider it necessary and in the best interests of the child concerned and the nursery as a whole. There have been occasions when we are unable to contact parents or, after being contacted, they have decided not to collect their child(ren). This places other children at risk and our staff under considerable pressure. We reiterate that we only contact parents when we consider it really necessary and your co-operation would be appreciated.
- Olivia who will be 4 on the 1st February
- Izzy who will be 3 on the 1st February
- Harriet who will be 2 on the 4th February
- Freya who will be 3 on the 6th February
- Isla who will be 1 on the 12th February
- Campbell who will be 4 on the 13th February
- Bella who will be 3 on 13th February
- Millie who will be 1 on the 14th February
- Fraser who will be 4 on the 15th February
- Darcy who will be 1 on the 18th February
- Lucas who will be 4 on the 18th February
- Hattie who will be 2 on the 19th February
- Oliver who will be 2 on the 29th February
Happy Birthday to everyone from all of the staff!
Finally, one of our parents is offering a service to Rothley Park Kindergarten Ltd., please see below for details.
Bobby Dhanjal Legal Services Offers Free Will Review
Have You Secured Your Children’s Future?
I am sure you have been asked on several occasions, have you made a Will or do you have a Will in place? When answering the question the answer is most probably NO! You may think you don't need a Will as it’s too much of a hassle or you just don't have the time to make one. However, if you have children it is vital that you should have a Will in place. If anything was to happen to you and your children had no living parents and if no guardians had been appointed, who would look after your children until they attain the age of 18? An application will be made to the Court for a guardian to be appointed, usually a willing family member or friends. The Courts will only appoint a guardian they see fit on the advice of social workers to look after your children, so it may not be the friend or family member you may have preferred to look after your children.
By having a Will in place, you can appoint your own guardians and appoint who will look after your money for the children; so you know that in the unfortunate event, your children will be well looked after. It may be awful thinking about these unfortunate circumstances but by having a Will in place you can rest assured that if the worse should happen your children will be well looked after and in safe hands.
At Bobby Dhanjal Legal Services (BDLS) we can guide you through the Will making process, in two simple appointments we can create a Will that is tailored to your needs and create specific guardianship clauses. We can create a Will that ensures that your children's futures should be secure.
If you already have a Will in place, when was the last time you reviewed your Will? If it has been over a year since you last reviewed a Will then it is advisable that you get your Will reviewed. At BDLS we offer a FREE WILL REVIEW service to ensure your Will still meets your current needs.
In addition to this our sister company, Bobby Dhanjal Wealth Management (BDWM), can help and provide advice on making sure that your family is cared for financially should critical illness or worse happen. Having access to whole of market products for family life and health insurance BDWM can provide peace of mind and help alleviate money worries. With policy prices starting very low, depending on your wishes and individual circumstances it is something that most families can easily afford.
The same principles can be applied to income protection, private medical insurance, even university and college fee protection policies. The beauty of these protection policies too, is that it doesn’t have to be parents that are the policy holders, grandparents, other family members and friends can provide this protection for families.
EXCLUSIVE OFFER: For all readers we can create a Will for just £60 + VAT, usually we charge £110 + VAT as well as providing a FREE financial review if required. Simply quote Rothley Park Kindergarten to take advantage of this offer.
For more information contact Shikha Kapur-Gopal on 0116 251 8020 or email skapur-gopal@bd-ls.co.uk. www.bobbydhanjallegalservices.co.uk 92-94 Charles Street, Leicester, LE1 1FB