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We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Rothley Park Kindergarten.

We hope everyone had a very Happy Christmas and we wish you happiness for 2014.

Free Early Education Entitlement

FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 week’s per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us in the office if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding.

Transition to the Bungalow Pre School

Our additional bungalow pre school will soon be opening again. Therefore all children that are making the transition across will have visits to ensure they are settled. Please do not hesitate to arrange a viewing of the pre school with the nursery practitioners in the office.

Kindergarten Fees 2014

We are ever mindful of the difficult economic climate in which we all live and the strain on all our budgets. It is for this reason that, after due deliberation, there will not be a fee increase in 2014. We have made this decision after ensuring our quality standards will not be compromised and you can continue to rest assured that our/your children will continue to receive the best possible care. You can help us by ensuring that your fees are paid promptly at the start of each month please.

Pre School iPads

A quote from Albert Einstein, “it is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.. if we are to develop our students’ sense of curiosity, we must be mindful to carve out time to allow our students to inquire and explore”.
How true that quote is; tablet computing and mobile devices promise to dramatically impact education and these devices will be used to re-imagine the process of education and re-kindle the students’ innate desire to learn.
At Rothley Park Kindergarten we want to be playing our part in this process and have begun by purchasing two iPads for use by our pre school children. We will be populating the iPads with educational software and games for the children to use under supervision. I dare say that some of the children may well teach the staff a thing or two if they have already been using iPads at home!


• Harry who will be 2 on the 4 January
• Anya who will be 3 on the 13 January
• Austin who will be 2 on the 19 January
• Oliver who will be 4 on the 19 January
• Ava who will be 3 on the 20 January
• Charlotte who will be 4 on the 20 January
• Jameela who will be 3 on the 20 January
• Frankie who will be 4 on the 23 January
• Leela who will be 4 on the 24 January
• Felix who will be 4 on the 27 January
• George who will be 3 on the 29 January
• Beau who will be 3 on the 31 January

Happy Birthday to everyone from all of the staff!

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