Guide Dogs For The Blind Visit
As you are all aware, we welcomed a volunteer from The Guide Dogs for the Blind and the children had a chance to meet the two guide dogs, Poppy and Tango. Then they listened to a talk from both a volunteer and his companion, who is also registered blind. She gave the children an insight into her life with a guide dog. We would just like to say Thank You to those of you who donated to this worthy cause, we raised £71.65.
January – 4 weeks: February – 4 weeks: March – 4 weeks
April – 3 weeks: May- 3 weeks: June - 3 weeks: July – 2 weeks:
September - 4 weeks: October – 4 weeks: November – 4 weeks: December – 3 weeks:

- Tia will be 2 on 3rd June
- Mia will be 1 on 4th June
- Ethan will be 3 on 4th June
- Ayla will be 4 on 11th June
- Dala will be 3 on 11th June
- Maya will be 4 on 14th June
- Emmeline will be 2 on 15th June
- Maddox will be 3 on 15th June
- Lily will be 3 on 19th June
- Jaxon will be 4 on 26th June
- Krish will be 2 on 27th June
- Ottilia will be 3 on 27th June
Everyone at Rothley Park Kindergarten would like to wish all the children a
fabulous Birthday.

As many of you are aware, our Famly App is now up and running and we hope you are all enjoying seeing the regular updates on your children. If any of you are unable to access your App, please let us know in the office as soon as possible and we will help to set you up.
Graduation Photos
On Monday 26th June we will be holding our school leavers ‘Graduation Photos’ between 10.30am and 3.00pm, any children who do not attend on this day, please feel free to bring them to have their photo taken after 12.30pm. Please be prepared to wait and photos are only for school leavers, no siblings.
We would like to welcome all our new parents and children to Rothley Park Kindergarten.
Summer Clothing
As the warm weather is approaching please can you provide sun cream and a sun hat clearly labelled with your child’s name. This will allow us to take your child outside to play in the sunshine. Unfortunately, if your child has no sun cream of their own, then they will be unable to go outside with their peers, for their own safety. Thank you for your cooperation.
Free Early Education Entitlement
FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 weeks per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 weeks and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding. Please provide your Child’s Birth Certificate to validate your Claim.
All new parents will be invited to discuss the funding system with the Manager before their eligibility claim date.