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We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Rothley Park Kindergarten.

Dates for your Diary

The nursery will be closed on Monday 5 May and Monday 26 May for Bank Holiday.

Free Early Education Entitlement

FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 week’s per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us in the office if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding.

Summer Clothing

As the warm weather will be soon approaching please can you provide sun cream and a sun hat clearly labelled with your child’s name. This will allow us to take your child outside to playing the sunshine. Unfortunately if your child has no sun cream of their own, then they will have to stay inside. Thank you for your cooperation.


• Cole who will be 4 on 1 May
• Noah who will be 1 on 1 May
• Thomas who will be 2 on 3 May
• Harry who will be 4 on 5 May
• Navraj who will be 2 on 9 May
• Austin who will be 2 on 1 May
• Elliot who will be 2 on 1 May
• Summer who will be 1 on 11 May
• Hugo who will be 4 on 13 May
• Eli who will be 3 on 17 May
• Grace who will be 3 on 18 May
• Lewis who will be 4 on 20 May
• Jaycob who will 1 on 22 May
• Danny who will be 4 on 26 May
• Sophia who will 3 on 28 May
• Ollie who will be 2 on 29 May

Happy birthday to everyone from all of the staff!

What you will need: Large kitchen roll tube, glue, scissors, coloured ribbon and card.

7484.Maypole streamer

Take your tube and with an adults help carefully snip little cuts around the bottom of the tube roughly 1 inch in length. Open the cuts out and stick it down onto a piece of card. Stick all of the different coloured ribbon at the top of the tube and leave them to flow freely. When all lengths of ribbon have been attached to the tube try weaving the colours around the tube to complete your May Pole.



Finally, an advertisement from the company of one of our parents. 

liz tuccy liz tuccy wealth2



Once in a blue moon your local newspaper salutes a local resident who has reached the grand-old age of 100. Yet by all accounts, local papers may soon have to devote an entire weekly page to people living to 100 because we are living much longer.

People are living longer, with many likely to work past the formal retirement age, which itself is set to increase to 67/68 from 65 between 2034 and 2036. Working longer could mean that turning on the income tap may not necessarily be given such a high priority for many in their early-50s, as there may still be a need to accrue capital.

What’s more, many people will have an assortment of different pension schemes having worked for different employers, while many will have also made the most of their Pep, Tessa and ISA tax allowances over the years. They need to turn this non-pension money into an income stream that might be needed for another 30 to 40 years.

That’s why it is important to get planning early. There is nothing stopping you from getting a clear view of your current position by establishing what your likely state pension entitlement would be. It is also worth contacting the pension trustees of your current and previous employers, who will be able to provide pension forecasts, as will the companies managing any private pension plans.

It is great to think that we have a higher chance of living longer, but it means that we have to make our money work harder while we can – and the sooner you start the better.

To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, produced by St. James’s Place Wealth Management, contact Liz Tuccy of St. James’s Place Wealth Management on 0116 3190958/07810 798714 or email



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