COVID - Polite Message To All Parents and Carers
As COVID-19 restrictions have eased, Rothley Park Kindergarten must take a careful and a balanced decision regarding keeping everyone safe, therefore, we are asking you continue to wear your face covering when dropping and collecting your child/children to and from the nursery.
This is a parental choice and optional.
Free Early Years Education Entitlement (FEEE)
FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 weeks per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 weeks and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding.
All new parents will be invited to discuss the funding system with the Manager before their eligibility claim date.

- Rose will be 4 on 2nd May
- Roman will be 1 on 6th May
- Niam will be 4 on 11th May
- Jaina will be 2 on 14th May
- Thashankumar will be 3 on 16th May
- Zac will be 1 on 17th May
- Juno will be 1 on 18th May
- Millie will be 4 on 18th May
- Gurjeevan will be 4 on 24th May
- Indi will be 2 on 25th May
- Felicity will be 3 on 30th May
A very Happy Birthday from all at Rothley Park Kindergarten
Funding Periods 2022
January – 4 weeks; February – 4 weeks; March – 4 weeks
April – 3 weeks; May- 3 weeks; June - 3 weeks; July – 2 weeks
September - 4 weeks; October – 4 weeks; November – 4 weeks; December – 3 weeks
Dates For Your Diary
The nursery will be closed for the May Bank Holiday on Monday 2 May and will reopen on Tuesday 3 May. The nursery will also be closed for the Jubilee Bank Holiday on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 June 2022.
New Gardens
Our new garden installation will begin week commencing 9th May. Whilst the work is being carried out, the children will be sharing the bungalow play areas for their outdoor activities. The completion of the nursery gardens should take approximately between 2 – 3 weeks. Health and Safety Risk Assessment will be in place and will be carried out daily whist the work is being completed. The installation team hold a Disclosure and Barring Service certificate so that we are assured of your children’s safeguarding. There will be no members of the installation team inside the nursery premises at any time, they will have no contact with any children whilst carrying the work, for a smooth installation process with minimal disruption. We apologise for any inconvenience, however, in a short time we will have an accessible and attractive space for all children, embracing the new gardens to become valuable and fundamental part of our practice. The children will have a great outdoors environment to explore and escape to play.
We would like to welcome all our new parents and children to Rothley Park Kindergarten
Summer Clothing
As the warm weather is approaching (we hope!) please can you provide sun cream and a sun hat clearly labelled with your child’s name. This will allow us to take your child outside to play in the sunshine. Unfortunately, if your child has no sun cream of their own, then they will have to stay inside and not be able to enjoy the out-door play. Thank you for your cooperation.