Welcome to the September 2013 Newsletter
We would like to welcome all of our new children and parents to Rothley Park Kindergarten.
Free Early Education Entitlement
FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 Week’s per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term may vary between 11 and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month.
Please do not hesitate to see us in the office if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding.
Late Collection
All children attending 8am – 1pm session must be collected no later than 1pm as this is due to the child staff ratios and the afternoon children attending. Could we please remind you that the nursery does close at 6pm. Fees for late collection will automatically be added to your account. We will charge £30.00 per incident to cover the cost of keeping the nursery open and at least two members of staff on site.
To Avoid an Accident
Can all parents please ensure that their child/children are with them at all times when being collected from the nursery. It has been noted that children are running outside between parked and moving vehicles whilst parents are talking amongst themselves. All children are to be supervised at all times when entering and leaving the premises, this is for the safety of your children. Rothley Park Kindergarten will take NO RESPONSIBILITY for accidents that may occur whilst outside the main building.
Thank you
Nursery Photographer
Our photographer will be on site on Monday 14th October from 10.00am for your child’s portrait sitting. Please advise us in advance if you require a family/sibling sitting. Parents are welcome to bring along their child/ren if they do not attend this session. These children must be accompanied by you at all times. Parents are also welcome to bring in the children’s preferred clothing for the photographs; staff will be able to dress them on your behalf, if required.
Mobile and Other Recording Devices
To ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care we operate a personal mobile phone usage policy which stipulates that personal mobile phones cannot be used by parents, visitors or staff when in the presence of children, on the premises. All staff mobile phones are placed on silent or switched off and are kept in their lockers. Staff can only use their mobile devices within the restricted (staffroom) area. As a reminder ‘Phone Prohibited’ signs are displayed at the entrance of both nursery and the bungalow premises. A sign is also on display outside the nursery staff room. Our main priority is the safety of your children and we thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
Thank you.
Morning Early Risers
We have noticed that an increasing number of parents are arriving very early in the morning.
Please note that staff are required to use the time before 8:00am to prepare for the day’s activities, therefore they are not permitted to take on the responsibility of your child any earlier than 8:00am,the time the nursery officially opens.
- Isabella who will be 4 on the 1st September
- Ronnie who will be 1 on the 6th September
- Mac who will be 2 on the 6th September
- Lucas who will be 4 on the 9th September
- Danny who will be 3 on the 13th September
- Lachlan who will be 4 on the 17th September
- Tam who will be 3 on the 22nd September
- Daniel who will be 4 on the 22nd September
- Sia-Nishtha who will be 4 on the 24th September
- Maxwell who will be 1 on the 26th September
- Anais who will be 1 on the 26th September
- Millie – Jean who will be 4 on the 30th September
- Ollie who will be 3 on the 30th September
- Ethan who will be 1 on the 30th September
Happy Birthday to everyone from all the staff
Play Dough Recipe
Cooking dough
You need
- Saucepan
- 1 cup of salt
- 2 cups of water
- 2 teaspoons of Cream of Tarter
- 2 tablespoons of Cooking oil or baby oil
- 2 cups of plain four
- A few drops of food colouring
Use the same size cup for measuring all ingredients.
Mix all of the ingredients together in a pan. Cook the mixture over a medium heat, stirring all of the time. The mixture will look like scrambled egg and start to come away from the pan. A lump will form, remove from heat and knead. When the play dough has cooled down it can be stored in an air tight bag or box.
Download this activity for later / printing.