Please can you inform the reception staff of any holiday dates, this would be very much appreciated.
Mobile and Other Recording Devices
To ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care we operate a personal mobile phone usage policy which stipulates that personal mobile phones cannot be used by parents/carers, visitors or staff when in presence of children, on the premises. As a reminder “Phone Prohibited” signs and “Notices “are displayed at the entrance of both nursery and bungalow premises. A sign is also displayed on each children’s room door, outside the corridors.
Recently we have observed parents/carers failing to follow these procedures. Our main priority is the safety of your children; therefore, we would be grateful if everyone can adhere to our policy. We thank you for your co-operation in this matter.
We would like to welcome all our new parents and children to Rothley Park Kindergarten.
Polite Notice
Can we please remind all parents and carers to provide nappies and wipes when requested. Thank you.
School Leavers
We would like to wish all our school leavers the very best of luck in September when they begin their next journey into school. We will miss you all but please promise to come back and visit. We wish you all well.
Collection of Children & Time Keeping
Could we please remind you that we do need to be informed if anyone different is collecting your child. A form is available in the office is, which needs be completed, leaving all descriptions and contact details of the designated person collecting on the day.
Full day Session 8.00am – 6.00pm
Morning Session 8.00am – 1.00pm
Afternoon Session 1.00pm – 6.00pm
Please avoid arriving before your appointed session time, this is due to staff/child ratio within our nursery. If you are running late, please ensure you inform the office with your collection arrangements.
Free Early Education Entitlement
FEEE is available to all children the term following their third birthday, for a minimum of 38 weeks per year. This is claimed by the setting and throughout term time only. Each term can vary between 11 weeks and 15 weeks. The deduction will be shown on your invoice each month. Please do not hesitate to see us if you have any queries regarding your child’s funding. Please provide your Child’s Birth Certificate to validate your Claim.
All new parents will be invited to discuss the funding system with the Manager before their eligibility claim date.
- Sebastian will be 4 on 2nd September
- Tobias will be 4 on 2nd September
- Arthur will be 4 on 4th September
- Aaryan will be 4 on 4th September
- Isabella will be 1 on 6th September
- Leo will be 2 on 7th September
- Albie will be 2 on 9th September
- Leo will be 3 on 9th September
- Harper will be 1 on 11th September
- Grace will be 4 on 12th September
- Mahaiya will be 4 on 12th September
- Ella will be 3 on 12th September
- Theodore will be 2 on 15th September
- Molly will be 4 on 17th September
- Ronnie will be 4 on 18th September
- Alissia will be 3 on 17th September
- Jack will be 1 on 18th September
- Frances will be 3 on 22nd September
- Leo will be 2 on 27th September
- Ezra will be 1 on 27th September
- Clark will be 4 on 28th September
- Zachary will be 2 on 30th September
- Dusty-Rose will be 3 on 30th September
Happy Birthday from all at RPK
Nursery Photographer
Our photographer will be on site on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th September from 10.30am for your child’s portrait sitting. Please advise us in advance if you require a family/sibling sitting. Parents are welcome to bring along their child/ren if they do not attend these sessions. These child/ren must be always accompanied by you at all times. Parents are welcome to bring in the children’s clothing in which they prefer their child/ren photographs to be taken in; staff will be able to dress them on your behalf. Please also provide them with a hairbrush/comb if necessary.
January – 4 weeks: February – 4 weeks: March – 4 weeks
April – 3 weeks: May- 3 weeks: June - 3 weeks: July – 2 weeks
September - 4 weeks: October – 4 weeks: November – 4 weeks: December – 3 weeks