October 2014 Newsletter
Please can you provide your child with nappies, wipes, creams, Calpol or Nurofen when required. We do not have any spares and we are finding this difficult to change your child without any of their own products. This is for your child’s personal needs to be met. Thank you for your co operation.
Read More...September 14 Newsletter
We would like to wish all of our school leavers the very best of luck in September when they begin their next journey into school. We will miss you but please promise to come back and visit.
Read More...August 2014 Newsletter
We would like to wish all of our school leavers the very best of luck in September when they begin their next journey into school. We will miss you but please promise to come back and visit.
Read More...July 2014 Newsletter
To ensure the safety and welfare of children in our care we operate a personal mobile phone usage policy which stipulates that personal mobile phones cannot be used by parents, visitors or staff when in the presence of children, on the premises. All staff mobile phones are placed on silence or switched off and are kept in their lockers.
Read More...June 2014 Newsletter
We will be holding the School Leavers Party on Tuesday 24 June from 3pm–4pm. If your child does not attend nursery on Tuesdays they are still welcome to the party but parents must attend and take full responsibility for their child(ren).