Rothley Park Kindergarten logo

We aim to give the children the best possible start in their school lives. Practitioners provide the children with a range of adult led and child initiated activities, giving the children opportunities to take on board new concepts and develop them through self-exploration. All of our activities are carried out in a fun way to maximise children’s learning and enjoyment.

We aim for all of our children to become confident life-long learners. We follow the three Prime Areas of the curriculum: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; and Communication and Language as well as four of the Specific Areas of the curriculum: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

Children are encouraged to develop playing, fun number counting and shape games. All children have the freedom to explore through painting, sticking, colouring, writing, model making and being imaginative.



The children have the use of a free-flow system whereby they can choose to incorporate their learning by exploring the outdoors or the two indoor classrooms. The Bungalow offers an environment that is rich in communication, printed words and numbers and provides the children with a safe, fun, exciting and stimulating environment whereby each individual child will develop to their full potential.

In the separate Bungalow building we provide the Pre School children with a safe and stimulating environment. We have a rich and varied curriculum covering all aspects of ‘Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’. Our aim is to deliver an environment which is full of learning opportunities to meet the children’s individual needs.

We take great pride in developing the children as individuals and celebrating their uniqueness, helping the children to understand their culture and religion and we explore a diverse range of celebrations.

We encourage children to develop their independent skills by teaching them how to read and write their names. All children in the Bungalow follow a phonics programme, which enables children to learn their sounds, builds confidence with letter recognition and develop into word building and reading simple words.

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